04 May 2006

When did Americans become cowards?

The most puzzling thing to me about the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is the depressing spectacle of a great people acting as if they were motivated by nothing but fear bordering on terror. We are in danger - get over it. Don't go into a frenzy of trashing the Constitution, don't hand over 'unitary power' to the chief magistrate of the central government, and don't rush out to buy duct tape because the Chief of Homeland Security (those wonderful people who brought you the Katrina fiasco) has declared it a 'Red' threat day.

Now we are frightened because someone has recorded a Spanish version of the National Anthem! It has caused El Presidente to sound like a truculent xenophobe and Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) to sound like a blithering idiot, demanding that "statements of national unity" be read or sung in English.

Here are a few views of others in this hour of national emergency under the great threat of --- well, what exactly?

"Are Americans really so insecure that they can't bear to hear their anthem sung in Spanish? We suggest that readers take a moment to listen to "Nuestro Himno" -- a respectful, recognizable, stirring version of a familiar song -- before making up their minds."
The Washington Post

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
Franklin Roosevelt

"We have met the enemy and he is us."
Pogo the Possum

"Get a grip."
Sam'l Clemens


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