10 April 2007

John McCain - fading?

John McCain interests me for a great many reasons. If the Demos nominate another hapless bozo I would consider voting for him on the grounds that he is the unBush, if nothing else. Lately, though, his prospects seem to be fading fast. E.J. Dionne has a good summation of the state of his campaign in today's Washington Post. Dionne sees his campaign as 'tragic' and seems to regret its (presumed) demise.

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At 10 April, 2007 22:01, Blogger jack perry said...

Actually, if E.J. Dionne is singing McCain's dirge, that could be a good sign. A lot of conservatives who might have liked McCain in 2000 were put off by the fact that he had a good rapport with the media.

Yeah, I'm wishful thinking...

At 11 April, 2007 00:23, Blogger Clemens said...

It's early days yet. I'd like to see McCain get the nomination, since he is more appealing than the other two out there at the moment. Apparently most Republicans feel the same way. They want MORE candidates in the race. Fred Thompson is being highly touted by some over at NRO.

And then there is the oppostion...


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