A new conservative blog
Ever since he boasted of seeing star bursts careening around the room every time Sarah Palin winked at him it has been hard for me to take Rich Lowry seriously. So much for his designated adult status. The rest of the crew over at National Review are just pathetic. The strongest contender for the uncoveted title of designated adult was David Frum, followed closely by Ramesh Pannuru. NRO solved that problem by getting rid of Frum, leaving Pannuru.
Frum, however, insists that it was an amicable parting brought on by his desire to start a blog of his own, New Majority. I've looked at it and it does seem to be a genuinely conservative voice, at once serious, intelligent, and sane, more or less. It is from tiny little sparks like this that the conservative movement will regain some credibility and, perhaps, a new identity at least in the perception of the American voter.
There was, briefly, another conservative blog called Culture 11 that attempted to do much the same. It had to fold. Lack of support.
while NRO rolls merrily along. No lack of support there.
Labels: blogs, conservatives, news media, Republicans
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