05 March 2007

Latin Music

I have for years now always been fooled for at least a fraction of a second when I walk into a music store and see a bin in the popular music section labeled "Latin Music." For one brief instant I expect to find popular songs with lyrics in Latin. And I'm always disappointed.

Since I am in a nostalgic mood for all my past silliness, here are the lyrics to a song by Cat Stevens before he converted to Islam that actually are in Latin:

Hunc ornatum mundi
Nolo perdere
Video flagrare
Omnia res
Audio clamare
Nunc extinguitur
Mund(I) et astrorum lamen
Nunc concipitur
Mali hominis crimen
Tristetat(e) et lacrimis
Gravis est dolor
De terraeque maribus
Magnus est clamor
O caritas, o caritas
Nobis semper sit amor
Nos perituri mortem salutamus
Sola resurgit vita
Ah, this world is burning fast
Oh, the world will never last
I don't want to lost it here in my time
Give me time forever here in my time.

A type of Dies Irae from the point of view of those left behind, don't you think? Obviously Cat was giving a lot of thought to spiritual imagery at the time. Odd that he found his answers in Islam.

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