07 March 2008

Off to Spain and Portugal

For the next week Carmen and I will be in Portugal and Spain. I've done everything I could think of to prepare ... bought an MP3 player, spent most of the week trying to figure out how to make it work and downloading Thucydides' "Peloponnesian War" on it, a couple of hours debating which fountain pens to take, and about 25 minutes picking out the clothes I'll need. Oh yes. Also helped Carmen pick out a new piece of luggage.

We will fly into Lisbon and meet up with the Sobrinos, Joey and Ms Em. If they can tear themselves out of the fleshpots of Lagos and the "Rising Cock Hostel.*" We have tried to warn them, once their aging Tio and Tia arrive - that's it! The fun is over!

Oh well. Maybe Mr Sobrino will let me use his computer to post something on the blogs. Otherwise, I will talk to you all next week.

*it's actual name, Carmen informs me.


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