01 July 2008

"The Producers" meet the Republican Fundraisers

Or, "The Republican Way of Business" - not to be too polemical about the dear GOP. As reported on "Talking Points Memo":

The Boston Globe had a great article yesterday about an outfit called BMW Direct Inc. whose business seems to be finding nonsense Republican candidates in hopeless races, raising tons of money for their hopeless campaigns and then funneling all the money back to themselves and sundry contractors and cronies. In 2006, they raised more than $700,000 for Charles Morse's run against Barney Frank in which Morse managed to get only 145 votes in the Republican primary. 96% of that money went back into BMW Direct's coffers and sundry affiliated contractors.

This seems to be the general mindset of business and government under this current Republican admin. Note that I am not saying that anyone specific in the admin is corrupt, certainly not Bush or Cheney (I have other problems with them, but not venality or personal corruption), but that there is currently a mindset within the ranks of the "right" that government serves no useful purpose as government, therefore it and the whole political process must exist simply as a pipeline for public funds to private businesses. A brief glance at books like Imperial Life in the Emerald City or most other aspects of privatizing government will furnish all the examples you should need. I brought this up a bit earlier, with a thoughtful comment from Jack.

So let's all do our patriotic duty and get rich.

NOTE: I did not refer to any of these people as 'Conservatives' - if that term means anything any more it means something a great deal more powerful and serious than the stupid right-wing slogans ('no new taxes' 'government is the problem' etc) misused by the folks I am talking about here.

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