09 July 2009

It must be true ... I read it in a history book!

Well, no. A lot of what passes for history is to history what a factoid is to a fact. They look similar, but one's a total fake. So read this little article from Salon.com on history, its uses and abuses.

especially if you fancy yourself a brawny Scotsman with a clan kilt in your closet.

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At 15 July, 2009 09:59, Anonymous The Old Man said...

How about the idea that all immigrants to the USA immediately learn English to be good citizens of their new country, and that’s the way that is has always been. There were entire units during the Civil War that operated in German, being from areas of Pennsylvania. Also after many many years as citizens and parents who were born here and are citizens, there are areas in the Delta where French is still a used language. (One of the strangest things that I ran across along this line was the Specialist forth class on his way back from Viet Nam who had someone standing next to him at the transfer point translating the procedure into Spanish. When asked how he had spent several years in the Army and been promoted if he could not speak English I was told that a lot of the Unit was Puerto Rican, as was he, and he never needed to learn it.)

At 16 July, 2009 14:53, Blogger Clemens said...

Yes - and a great many Hispanics in Texas were there long before Sam Houston learned to drink.

I just got through judging a debate by students on how powerful gov't should be. I learned that there are still a whole lot of new and old historical myths out there.

Old myth: Hitler was elected to office in a democracy.

New myth: China is the strongest and most powerful nation on earth.

Oh well. At least it justifies me getting a salary.


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