09 August 2006

Throw the Bums Out

There is an interesting post on Josh Marshall's talkingpointsmemo.com. He is a very liberal journalist, and is upfront about that stand. Still, he has interesting observations to make. Today he was talking about how incumbents are in trouble. Here's the lead paragraph.

In the column I wrote for Time.com last night I said the Lieberman flame-out was part of a larger disconnect growing between Washington and the rest of the country, almost in the way tectonic plates grind against each other with mounting tension until the pressure is cut loose in a massive earthquake. I don't think it's ideological in the narrow sense, or at least not unidirectionally ideological. But given the Republican dominance of the federal government, it's really bad news for the GOP.

This is the feeling I was expressing in a recent post. There is such a disconnect in the country with the whole political class that it is time for an electoral revolution. As many as possible need to go simply so the others run in fear of their careers. We need that 'massive earthquake.'


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