16 February 2007

More proof we ARE descended from apes...

... and not very smart ones at that.

You will have to read this post from Josh Marshall's "Talking Points Memo" to get the full flavor of it. A Georgia state representative named Ben Bridges sent a memo to state legislators around the country with new evidence that "evolution science" as he calls it (with the quote marks), is a lie and to teach it is unconstitutional. Since the theory of evolution is all a made up story taken from the Jewish holy book the Kabbala, it is not science but religion! And thus cannot be taught in our schools.

How he came to this conclusion is interesting, but you can view the actual memo, passed on to members of the Texas legislature by Texas rep Warren Chisum. Chisum, btw, seems to be trying to distance himself from the web site that Bridges got his info from, fixedearth.com. You should also check it out.

Bridges is one of the leaders in the fight to have Intelligent Design taught in Georgia schools. Chisum is of like mind. To fully understand why they feel so strongly about this, check the links above.

Then recall that both these people were elected by majorities in their home districts.

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At 21 February, 2007 01:29, Blogger jack perry said...

What irritates me isn't so much the anti-evolutionism confused with anti-naturalism. What irritates me is the attitude that is completely anti-science, posing as "true" science. These guys reject even the notion that the earth moves in space around the sun, calling it a Copernican invention based on Kabbala. Where do you even begin with someone like that? How do such people get elected to office?

At 22 February, 2007 12:47, Blogger Clemens said...

Yep, I agree. Catholics for some reason seem to have less of a bent for this kind of rejection than Protestants. I assume it has something to do with definitions of the role of scripture in leading a Christian life.

In any case, this is just nuts. Your last question reminds me of a basketball couch who was asked by reporters how his team managed to beat the other, higher ranked team.

"We scored more points."

Those twits appealed to more voters. Food for thought.

At 22 February, 2007 12:48, Blogger Clemens said...

Yep, I agree. Catholics for some reason seem to have less of a bent for this kind of rejection than Protestants. I assume it has something to do with definitions of the role of scripture in leading a Christian life.

In any case, this is just nuts. Your last question reminds me of a basketball couch who was asked by reporters how his team managed to beat the other, higher ranked team.

"We scored more points."

Those twits appealed to more voters. Food for thought.

At 11 October, 2008 18:01, Blogger De Luna said...

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At 11 October, 2008 18:09, Blogger De Luna said...

2,000 years ago the bible stated that air has weight and that the earth is round. What took man so long to figure it out?? O and I suppose we will run into a black wall with a flashing light saying "THE dead END" if we go to far PAST outer space.

Well my theory is YHWH never gave an exact time frame and he IS the creater of everything (everything) and at one point decided to create man in HIS IMAGE, maybe we are related to (as mammals/ animals) or look alike, but ultimately it was his decision. I am of NO religion nor do I attend any church. Try reading the bible word for word and trace words to their root and many of your "mystories" will be solved. Good luck with your scientific adventures and scavenger hunts, its seems the more you dig the more you prove the bible correct. Keep up the good work!


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