10 May 2007

Mora loses another one!

After weeks of truly inspired procrastination, just when it looked like my own personal demon, Mora, would win another round, I came from behind and completed my paper. I admit it was a little too close for comfort. I only had half of it done when I got on the plane with Maeread's mother, Maire (pronounced almost like 'Mora' now that I think of it). We got to Detroit an hour late, thanks to NWA, got a rented car and drove across Michigan. Other than a fortuitous stop at a great German restaurant it was a pretty dull trip. We got to our rooms about midnight and I went right to bed, plotting carefully in my mind exactly what I would have to write today.

Got up early, spent almost the whole day in my room writing the rest of the paper out in longhand - making great use of one of my favorite fountain pens by the way - and got it finished 25 minutes before I had to rush downstairs and deliver it.

It was a great paper. Everyone said so, although they were a little puzzled why the ink was still wet.


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