19 February 2008

Common Conservative Sense

Sometimes Conservatives make perfect sense. Sometimes Liberals don't. Like most things in life it's one of those "we'll see" situations.

Today Jim Manzi, one of the guest writers for Andrew Sullivan (who is taking a week long nap apparently), has this to say about Conservatives and Science. It is not the science they should have a problem but the conclusions reached from empiracal data.

Here's the core of the post:

The debate about evolution is a great example of the kind of sucker play that often ensnares conservatives. Frequently, conservatives are confronted with the assertion that scientific finding X implies political or moral conclusion Y with which they vehemently disagree. Obvious examples include (X = the Modern Synthesis of Evolutionary biology, Y = atheism) and (X = increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 will lead to some increase in global temperatures, Y = we must implement a global regulatory and tax system to radically reduce carbon emissions). Those conservatives with access to the biggest megaphones have recently developed the habit of responding to this by challenging the scientific finding X. The same sorry spectacle of cranks, gibberish and the resulting alienation of scientists and those who respect the practical benefits of science (i.e., pretty much the whole population of the modern world) then ensues.

In general, it would be far wiser to challenge the assertion that X implies Y.

In general.

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At 19 February, 2008 16:02, Blogger jack perry said...

In general, it would be far wiser to challenge the assertion that X implies Y.

It's also very often a correct challenge which offends neither faith (up to a point) nor reason.


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