20 November 2008

What type of mind controls this blog!

I discovered on Andrew Sullivan a new site called typalyzer that claims it can determine your mental type from the blog. So I plugged in Sententiae and this is what it says:

ISTP - The Mechanics

The independent and problem-solving type. They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment are masters of responding to challenges that arise spontaneously. They generally prefer to think things out for themselves and often avoid inter-personal conflicts.

The Mechanics enjoy working together with other independent and highly skilled people and often like seek fun and action both in their work and personal life. They enjoy adventure and risk such as in driving race cars or working as policemen and firefighters.

So - generally prefers to think things out and often avoids inter-personal conflicts. Ha.
Check out the description of the guy who blogs on Not Mayberry!

must have me confused with someone else. But at least it didn't claim that I was stubborn.



At 21 November, 2008 00:14, Blogger jack perry said...

Yup, everything that's wrong with the cult of "personality type". My weblog is classified as "Mechanics" too, which wouldn't sound so insulting until I read the description:

They are especially attuned to the demands of the moment…


They enjoy adventure and risk such as in driving race cars or working as policemen and firefighters.


Enough said.

At 21 November, 2008 15:00, Blogger Clemens said...

Uh, I was too polite to mention it, but when I saw that Cantanima and Sententiae were written by the same personality type (I checked before posting) I realized just how off base this must be. A math whiz cum computer geek and a history nerd cum cartoonist?

Then I looked at what they thought of the Clemens who writes Not Mayberry! Carmen immediately assumed that somebody had kidnapped her husband and replaced him with this Clemens guy.

"enjoys engaging in physical outdoor activity!!!????"

At 21 November, 2008 15:00, Blogger Clemens said...

I forgot to mention the unkindest cut of all. Andrew Sullivan's profile matches ours!

At 21 November, 2008 18:47, Blogger jack perry said...

Andrew Sullivan? Is it unkind to him, or to us?

At 23 November, 2008 22:30, Blogger Clemens said...

Well I'm sure Andrew would feel insulted if he knew us!


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