28 April 2011

It's not about race

From an Oklahoma state rep (R):

Kern voted for the amendment, arguing that minorities earn less because they don't work as hard.

"We have a high percentage of blacks in prison, and that's tragic," Kern said, "but are they in prison just because they are black or because they don't want to study as hard in school?

"I've taught school," she added, "and I saw a lot of people of color who didn't study hard because they said the government would take care of them."

I've taught school and I saw a lot of people who didn't study because ... well, they just didn't study.

apparently you have that luxury when you are white.


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At 29 April, 2011 10:08, Anonymous Joey Sobrino said...

"We have a high precentage of blacks in prison and that's tragic"


"But are they in prison because they are black or because they don't want to study as hard in school?"

It is because, hopefully, they have committed crimes. Not studying is not a crime.

"I saw a lot of people of color who didn't study hard because they said the government would take care of them."

I never saw that among anyone. That said, in the same way I never thought of dropping out of high school and that I was going to college from the time I was in elementary school, I can see someone who grew up in an environment where few graduate, none go to college, and where education (including technical training) isn't emphasized will be much less likely to succeed.

It is hard to tell which is the chicken and which is the egg here, but crime rate differences between blacks and whites disappear in two parent families.

I am looking for a study but haven't found one yet. I suspect comparable education levels yield comparable salaries.

--Joey Sobrino

At 29 April, 2011 22:54, Anonymous The Old Man said...

This is the same woman who said that homosexuality is a bigger threat to national security than terrorism.


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