15 March 2006

Slobo, Srebenica, and remembrance

Not so many years ago in Srebenica a Dutch military force sent to protect non-combatants in Bosnia sat and watched while Serbian forces hauled 7 or 8 thousand Bosnians out and slaughtered them. It was the biggest European mass murder in, oh, fifty years. I understand that some of the poor soldiers are still receiving counseling to help them get over the sense of responsibility and guilt. It was enough to give pacifism a bad name.

Now the man responsible for all that is dead, perhaps by his own doing. As his nation welcomes him home to be buried in his back yard, beneath a shade tree where he and his wife would sit and talk, you should read this little retrospecitve.

Or cut and paste http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,6-2084190,00.html


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