17 November 2007

Conservative Fox News Porn!

This is hilarious. The news station that shapes conservative American opinion, the custodian of our traditional values, guarding against the secular humanist valueless liberals, has an interesting take on modern life.

BTW, why is it the Democratic candidates seem to have stable, traditional marriages, while the Repubs, aside from Romney, seem to ... well.... you know?

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At 17 November, 2007 11:52, Blogger jack perry said...

Well, gee, let's see. When Democratic Congressmen exploit pages sexually, not only do they retain their offices, but win re-election many times over. When Democratic Congressmen's lovers run prostitution rings out of their homes, again the Congessman not only retains office, but win re-election many times over. When Democrats perjure and obstruct justice, not only do they retain office, they are lionized as victims. When Democrats conduct military operations unauthorized by the UN Security Council, killing many people, based on false or at least questionable pretenses, there are no giant mobs calling them fascists, racists and the like.

I won't even start on the track record of news organizations that lean Democratic, and their commitment to truth only so long as it dovetails with their agendas.

When Republicans get into trouble with law or ethics, they tend to resign, or the party forces them to resign; when they don't, their districts don't typically re-elect them.

So even if Republicans don't always maintain their high ideals, at least they can be shamed when they don't meet them, and their constituents hold them to the fire. Not only do Democrats not exhibit a similar sense of shame, their constituents don't seem to care how dirty and unethical they are—just so long as they bring the pork home from Washington. (I am not merely guessing based on evidence; I have heard Democrats talk that way.)

At 19 November, 2007 16:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me just add that it is that kind of footage that makes me tune into Fox News.


At 20 November, 2007 16:53, Blogger Clemens said...

Gee Jack. I didn't know I hit a nerve. But, not being a Democrat, nor much of a liberal, I am willing to concede that the Right is at least as bad as the Left in these matters. I am afraid that the scandals and convictions keep piling up though. And the standard tactic of yelling "the other guys do the same thing" isn't very compelling.

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy. As for Republicans being shamed, not that I've really noticed. And as for pork to the constituents, I certainly agree that Demos are in there feeding at the trough. But after the last 6 years of unrestrained Republican swilling, I would have thought it a subject best left off the table.

The hour has passed. The record is clear. Now we can set back and await the Demos comuppence.

At 20 November, 2007 16:54, Blogger Clemens said...

I rest my case.

At 20 November, 2007 16:54, Blogger Clemens said...

Tia was interested and amused by that last one Joey. Just thought I'd mention it.


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