04 September 2008

Damning Liddy Dole with faint praise

Over on an blog chat on The Washington Post earlier today someone asked Jay Nordlinger, a conservative pundit, what he thought was wrong with Liddy Dole, our dear Senator here in North Carolina, as a Vice Presidential choice. His reply:
Jay Nordlinger: I think there is a feeling that her time has passed. But what a good question -- I haven't thought of her in years. (Goes to show you.) What a star she was. Sad about politics, as in other fields of life.

Some of us here in the land of Wilkes have not given her a thought in years because we haven't heard about her or from her. I was a shock to see her husband Bob Dole here in Wilkes Co. last week and to realize that he and she still exist. "HER TIME HAS PASSED."

It would make a great bumper sticker. But I always liked Bob Dole's sense of humor. And his war record.


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