05 October 2008

A book about Wall Street

Whenever I don't understand something I try to find a good book about it, due to my training and nature I suspect. I certainly don't understand the current economic crisis (though Jack has certainly tried to explain it to me). My inclination is to blame the greed of Wall Street and the venality of our politicians (yes, all of them). So I was gratified this morning to read in a column by Michelle Singletary, my favorite financial adviser,* a review of a book that excoriates Wall Street and damns it forever. This quote pretty much tells you the point of the review:

Two years ago, Gary Weiss wrote "Wall Street Versus America: The Rampant Greed and Dishonesty That Imperil Your Investments."

The subtitle was changed for the paperback edition last year. Now the book is called "Wall Street Versus America: A Muckraking Look at the Thieves, Fakers, and Charlatans Who Are Ripping You Off" (Portfolio, $14.95).

I like the revision, given current events.

I immediately wrote off to Michelle Singletary to put my name in to win a copy of the book in a drawing she has every month. After all, in these tight financial times there is no point in actually spending money on a book. Then, there is always the public library.

*mainly because her advice is so simple and plain I can understand it, but also because she seems to have the same outlook I do: save!

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