02 August 2008

An Obamacon is....

Decades ago I remember the clever and insightful joke that a conservative was a liberal who had just been mugged.

Apparently an Obamacon is now a conservative who has just been laid off. On Salon.com anyway, where there is an ongoing series of posts on why conservatives should vote for Obama. Here is the explanation:
I work in the insurance industry in downtown Boston. People are staying off the roads in droves thanks to high energy prices and our business is down 40 percent from last year. Since my company has not chosen to diversify its geographic base and since I'm the newest employee in my department and both single and childless, I'm out of a job.

There is, of course, more to it than that, at least in this case. The writer goes on:

John McCain's idiotic attacks on Obama's patriotism, taken together with his reversals of his previous (and admirable) positions on major issues (the Bush tax cuts, offshore drilling, etc.) and his willingness to associate with pond scum like Karl Rove and Company, have pushed me out of his camp. The John McCain of eight years ago is no more. The so called "Maverick" is an establishment tool who, if elected, will owe plenty of favors to the kind of corporatists and party hacks -- the defense industry, the oil companies, shitheads like King Karl -- who've helped make such a mess of things in the last seven and a half years.

We, the Republican Party, are not worthy and do not deserve another four years. Under President Bush we've betrayed every principle we've stood for as a national party -- fiscal responsibility and discipline, limited government and a foreign policy guided by realism and coalition building.

I don't know how widespread this feeling is (the writer may be simply a plant for all I know), but it echoes what my young Repub consultant friend thinks. Well, if he and his pal can't bring themselves to vote for Obama, the LEAST they can do is vote against Liddy Dole!

yes, it's personal. How could you tell?


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At 02 August, 2008 12:39, Blogger jack perry said...

My personal suspicion is that the guy's a plant. Where exactly did McCain attack Obama's patriotism?

McCain I say, as opposed to some Republican Party tools.

I missed where Liddy Dole did something personal to you? Not that I'm a fan of any sort of carpetbagger.


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