News Flash!!
From Clemens News Central, this just in.
The Moon is shrinking.
100 meters in the last billion years.
Labels: Moon, space exploration, weird
Sententia-ae. fem, Latin for: opinion, view, judgment; purpose, intention; (law) sentence, verdict; (in the Senate) motion, proposal, view; meaning, sense; sentence; maxim. See also: garrulitas, magnificentia, opinio, praejudicum.
From Clemens News Central, this just in.
Labels: Moon, space exploration, weird
Labels: Confederates, personal stuff, twits
History that never happened
Down in the cellar the Gestapo was licensed to practice what the Ministry of Justice called "heightened interogation." The rules had been drawn up by civilized men in warm offices, and they stipulated the presence of a doctor.
Inside, beyond the SS sentries and the creaky revolving door, the board announced the current state of terrorist alert. There were four codes, in ascending order of seriousness: green, blue, black, and red. Today, as always, the alert was red.
Labels: fantasy, historical fiction, history
From The Fatherland, a dystopia about a victorious Third Reich.
Clio, the Muse of History, guarded the Reichsarchiv: an Amazonian nude designed by Adolf Ziegler, the "Reich Master of the Pubic Hair." ... Behind her, a sign had been carved above the entrance to the archive, gold leaf inlaid on polished granite. A quotation from the Fuhrer: FOR ANY NATION, THE RIGHT HISTORY IS WORTH 100 DIVISIONS.Later, the hero March enters the archives with an archivist, Halder.
"'The right history is worth a hundred divisions,' remember? That's the place where the wrong history goes. Shit. Look out."And such is the value of honest history.
Halder pulled March into a doorway. A security guard was coming towards them, bent like a miner in an underground shaft, pushing a metal cart. March thought he was certain to see them, but he went straight past, grunting with the effort. He stopped at the metal barrier and unlocked it. There was a glimpse of a furnace, a roar of flames, before the door clanged shut behind him.
Labels: Germans, historical fiction, history, Third Reich
I found this on You Tube while doing some serious research on Medieval Russia. Fourteenth century in fact. Era of the Golden Horde (long story).
I am so weird that every time I go into a store with music and I see the section labeled "Latin Music" for one brief moment I expect it to be LATIN. Instead, it's always stuff in that neo-Latin dialect called Spanish in vulgo, though it is really Castilian.
... and his father's looks.
Labels: political class, political dirt, politics
From Tom Toles, cartoonist for the Washington Post:
The secret ingredient that defines the unique character of DC as a culture is this: It is a city of former Student Council presidents. Think back to high school. Now you know everything you need to about DC.
Labels: political class, politics, Washington