THE worst movie of 2008?
Other than a political documentary about the campaign? Hard to say. Clemens and Carmen did not watch too many movies and those we did watch were often for the under 12 set. "Wall-E" was great, "Bolt" merely very good. I can't even think of what else we have seen this year, good or bad.
But don't stress. The Washington Post comes to our rescue with an article detailing all of the worst of the worst as compiled by Rotten Tomatoes scores. Infallible.
And the loser is ... "One Missed Call." No. I didn't see it. Apparently the critics who were paid to see it were the only ones who did. Its rating on the Tomatometer was 0. It's a remake of a Japanese horror flick about people who get creepy messages on their cellphones.
BTW, to leave no dead horse unbeaten, here is what the article had to say about one of my betes noirs, Ben Stein's "Expelled."
Here's what the Globe and Mail had to say about Stein's attack on a scientific orthodoxy that allows no room for consideration of the so-called intelligent design theory of creation. The film, which garnered a Tomatometer score of 10, is "an appallingly unscrupulous example of hack propaganda and it sucketh mightily. What's more, I didn't laugh once."
If you can't laugh at anti-science propaganda, what's the point?
but at least it earned a Tomatometer rating of 10 out of 100.
Labels: disasters, humor, movie reviews