PhD humor

from Andrew Sullivan, from this place. It's somewhat autobiographical for Clemens.
Labels: academics, humor, personal stuff
Sententia-ae. fem, Latin for: opinion, view, judgment; purpose, intention; (law) sentence, verdict; (in the Senate) motion, proposal, view; meaning, sense; sentence; maxim. See also: garrulitas, magnificentia, opinio, praejudicum.
Labels: academics, humor, personal stuff
"Them" would be The National Review and The Weekly Standard, one of which I read rarely anymore and the other even less. But according to Mark Levin, conservative radio nut (as reported on Sullivan):
And on his radio show Tuesday he disparaged National Review and The Weekly Standard, complaining that they're elites who condescend to the Tea Party.
Labels: conservatives, political dirt, Republicans
Hand dancing.
Labels: humor, personal stuff, weird
Labels: demonology, political class, politics, Republicans
Scientists are closing in on decoding the DNA of chocolate.
Labels: chocolate, science, Science fiction
The absolute nadir of Central Florida, the ever swampy Alachua Co., is the home of at least one media hungry charlatan preacher!
Labels: death doom and destruction
Someone sent a threatening e-mail to the head of the Delaware Republican Party saying he deserved a bullet in the head for supporting Castle (the GOP backed candidate) over O'Donnell (the Tea Party backed candidate) in the Senate primary.
The identity of the emailer was not immediately known, though the official said that the person "wrote his name and address" on the note -- providing obvious information for authorities to use.
Labels: political dirt, Republicans
I fell in love with that headline to a mini-essay even though it was on the Frum Forum. And its worth a read to. It's certainly a sentiment I like, now that I have passed into my sixties and am struggling to get out another book. Heck, I'm struggling this weekend to get out a 30 page article.
Labels: books, libraries, personal stuff